About WBZF
making a ‘Zakat Taker’ into a ‘Zakat Giver’.
West Bengal Zakat Foundation (WBZF) was established on 31st August 2022 at Kolkata as a grassroots level organization by concerned residents of West Bengal.
We are registered under Indian Trusts Act 1886. This is a centralized form of Zakat Collection and Distribution for the needy with the mission to Transform lives of underprivileged sections by making a ‘Zakat Taker’ into a ‘Zakat Giver’.
We utilize ‘zakat’ or charity for the overall development of the underprivileged sections of our Community and further empowering them in the educational, social and economical front of life in a transparent and organized manner.At present our activities include to provide scholarship to students, financial support to widows, Helps to poor etc. You are invited to deposit your amount of zakat, sadaqa, Bank Interest, imdaad and other charity to us.

WBZF Objective
- Integrated methodical approach for result oriented utilization of Zakat, Fitra, Waqf & Sadaqah/Charity etc.
- Provides managements services through institution building for effective mobilization, distribution & utilization of Zakat ensuring transparency & accountability.
- Ensuring Shariah Compliance
WBZF Mission
The objectives of West Bengal Zakat Foundation are :
- Transform today's beneficiaries into tomorrow's benefactors.
- Reduce poverty and enhance the number of persons entitled to pay Zakat for social progress.
- Encourage Muslims to contribute their zakat in a systematic manner.
- Create a welfare system in society.
- Promote and implement Zakat as an instrument for poverty alleviation.
- Ensure the distribution of wealth in society.
- Foster an attitude of sharing.
- Reduce wealth greed.
- Foster communal harmony and love
- Explain the rules (Fiqh) of Zakat and how it is calculated.
- Reduce financial risks and increase donation security.

Zakat Vision
To organize the prevalent mode of cluttered philanthropy with an aim of channelizing Zakat, Fitra, Sadaqa/Charity, Riba, Donations etc to meet the welfare and developmental needs of poor and marginalized sections of our society in a more scientific and organized manner and all other matters related to the developmental issues of Muslim minorities and underprivileged sections in our country.