
Recipients of Zakat

Here are the eight categories of Zakat-eligible people set by Allah in the Quran (Surat Al-Tawbah, 9:60)

  1. The poor (Faqir/Fuqara)
  2. The needy (Miskeen/Masakeen)
  3. The administrators of zakah (Aameleen)
  4. Influencing heart(Muallaf)
  1. Freeing from slavery (Riqab)
  2. Debtors(Gharimin)
  3. In way of Allah(Fisabillillah)
  4. Wayfarer (Ibnus Sabil)
  • 1. and 2. Fuqara is penny less and Masakeen is needy one

    1. The poor (Faqir/Fuqara)

      Those without any means of livelihood and material possessions.

    2. The needy (Miskeen/Masakeen)

      Those without sufficient means of livelihood to meet their basic necessities. For instance, those who, although may have a job, a house and a car, but whose income is below the minimum requirement.

    3. Richness means owning what is enough for ones need; A person in need qualifies as poor & needy(Miskeen)

  • 3. Aameleen

    Those appointed to manage and administer zakat. This category is sub-divided into the following categories:

    1. Group of people who go out to the society and determine those who fall Fuqara and Miskeen categories.
    2. Those who collect the Zakat money.
    3. The accountant of the Zakat money.
    4. The administrator, manager, clerical worker or secretary who puts the files in order.
    5. Those who handle Zakat distributions.
    6. The auditor who audits overall Zakat management and administration.

  • 4. Influencing Heart (Muallaf)

    1. Muallafatil Quloob; Influence hearts towards Islam through charity, kindness
    2. Those who are inclined to enter or have already converted to Islam.

  • 5. Freeing from Slavery (Riqab)

    1. Riqab; neck, signifies someone who is freed from slavery
    2. Slaves and prisoners of war

  • 6. Debtors (Gharimin)

    1. Gharimeen; Debt, bankruptcy
    2. Condition that debtor himself should not possess sufficient funds or goods to clear the debt
    3. Debt incurred for genuine purpose incl. unexpected penalty, loss of employment and not due to gambling, drinking, intoxicants or lavish expense in marriage.

  • 7. In the way of Allah (Fisabillilah)

    Fi sabilillah; Zakat can be used to finance any form of struggle or work for the love of Allah. e.g.

    1. Da’wah;
    2. building & developing society’s infrastructure;
    3. defending Muslims, who are being oppressed;
    4. assisting poor travellers
    5. sponsoring a student’s educational expenses.

  • 8. Wayfarer

    Ibnus Sabil; Can be paid from Zakat, even though he may be rich at home, if during the journey he becomes penniless and is unable to meet his expenses to return.